Aricie - Friendlier Url Provider (54,5 MB)
FUP is a DotNetNuke module and friendly url provider. It runs extensible and goal oriented rewriting strategies without the need for reversible transformations.

Enterprise ASP.NET Suite

Incorporates everything you need for an enterprise ASP.NET application into a suite of easy-to-use libraries. There's support for easy localization, e-mail (and e-mail templating with localization), custom configuration on a per-machine basis, URL rewriting, Windows services with UAC, payment gateway processing, and more. Pick and choose what you want in your site. Utilize all the features or just a few - it's as extensible as you need it to be.

DNAide (3,2 MB)
A framework of useful aide (helper) methods targeting web developers including a powerful but easy to use url rewriter, image manipulation (thumbnails, effects, easy to create text based images), sitemap enhancements integrating with seamlessly with the url rewriter, webcontrols, as well as more lower level type conversion helpers etc.

Fiddler bulk urlreplace

Fiddler bulk URL extends Fiddler2’s existing UrlReplace command with a few new features like multiple search/replace items, UI, load and save commands, extended command line interface and a few other tricks.

Ionics Isapi Rewrite Filter (152,6 MB)
IIRF is a small, cheap, easy to use, URL rewriting ISAPI filter that combines a good price (free!) with good features. It is implemented in about 3200 lines of C code, works with IIS 5.x IIS 6, and IIS7. It does regular-expression matching, URL rewriting, request redirects, con

nUrlRewriter - IIS7 Url Rewriter

nUrlRewriter is a ASP.NET Http Module written in managed C# code which examines incoming Http requests and applies user defined criteria which may result in a Http request being redirected or rewritten. Web pages within existing web sites are often archived or retired, however many Internet based hyperlinks may exist for such web pages. nUrlRewriter solves this problem by providing a facility which can easily redirect or rewrite such Http requests to other web site web pages or web applications. For example, a discontinued product web page may be redirected to a general product category web page. nUrlRewriter differentiates itself from other redirectors/rewriters in that nUrlRewriter also supports the IIS7 Integrated ASP.NET Pipeline, enabling nUrlRewriter to redirect/rewrite any incoming web application URL supported by the IIS7 web server, such as but not limited to native HTML applications (htm, html), classic ASP applications (asp), PHP applications (php) as well as ASP.NET (aspx) applications. Incoming Http requests which are redirected are returned to the originating browser with a status code of either 301 (permanent) or 302 (temporary) to indicate that the requested web page has been moved to a new target URL provided to the browser. the browser will then issue a new Http request for the new URL. Http status code 301 indicates that the URL has been permanently moved and the browser should use the new URL in any new Http requests. Http status code 302 indicates that the URL has been temporarily moved and the browser should use the new URL only for the outstanding Http request. Incoming Http requests which are rewritten, are rewritten to a different URL location within IIS. Since the originating browser is not informed of the URL rewrite, the browser URL address bar will continue to display the originating URL before the URL rewrite. nUrlRewriter works equally as well with IIS5 and IIS6.

Open Portal Foundation

Open Portal Foundation is a network based solution for creating scalable portals and provides a uniform customer experience. It completly separates Web Design, Web content and Web engine. It provides design theming, Content Management support and Agnostic authentication support.

Url Rewrite.Net (36 kB)
Url Rewrite.Net is an open-source SEO project which contains Custom Http Module example and Custom Configrutaion Module.It is developed in C#.NET 2008. It's also useful for learning how to develop your own Http Module and Url Rewrite tool.

Module Providers for Url Master

This project is a collection of plug-in Url Providers for the Url Master module. The Url Master module is an Url-improvement extension for DotNetNuke.

URL Rewriter and Reverse Proxy

Managed Fusion URL Rewriter is a powerful URL manipulation engine based on the Apache mod_rewrite extension. It is designed, from the ground up to bring all the features of Apache mod_rewrite to IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0. Managed Fusion Url Rewriter works with ASP.NET.